This past Sunday I visited an old friend who lives in McLean and goes regularly to McLean Bible Church Frontline. It was my first time experience the megachurch of Northern Virginia. Quite the experience with its own two level garage so we parked on the ground level under some shade. We got there early and I checked for Wi-fi as I sink into their lobby couches. The auditorium was filled with multiple screens for your convenient viewing of the worship band as music filled the entire space. There were upper seats as we took our seat in the center row near the top. While believing I was at a rock concert, Pastor Todd let us watch a video about inner city ministry in DC. The video promotes the House DC's mission to provide an opportunity for inner city youth and their families to connect to Christ through creative programs that meet both physical and spiritual needs. www.thehousedc.org
The title of the sermon was "It's Complicated" referring to the relationship status often appear on Facebook. Whether you're single, or dating relationships are complicated suggested by Todd Phillips. This was their third week on their dating series "It's Complicated" that night Todd talked about spiritual compatibility. Just like the popular eHarmony online dating which matches you up with 29 Dimension of Compatibility (whatever that means) Todd Phillips has a few of his own.
1) Look for a Mate that is 100% Sold out for God
Ecclesiastes 12:13B/ Philippians 3:8
Look for a mate that fear God and Keep His Commandments
Paul was completely sold out for God
You want to be #2 compare to God in your mate's life
2) Look for a Mate that is Excited about their Daily Walk with God
Psalm 37:4
David delight himself daily for God
Submission to the Lord-intentions are clear
How do you and your mate express their passion for God?
Dating is for critiquing your potential life partner lives and your own.
You need to have confidence that they will obey God no matter the cost.
Hold out for God's best do not settle for mediocre.
3) Look for a Mate who is a Doer of God's Word
Joshua 1:8
Speak the word of God, mediate, reflect, active pursuit of God's word.
I hear a lot of dating sermons and my thoughts before the sermon was am I going to hear something useful being content with my singleness. I think what I got out of this sermon was humility that I need to be self-aware of my shortcomings. A walk with God is a life long process and it requires humility. Lately I can feel pride coming upon my attitude and words these days as I believe I'm smarter or wiser than maybe others. I am thankful God is not through with me yet. Next blog will discuss my adventures into DC as I attend 2nd Annual Art Administrator Educator (AAAE) Conference 2010 host by American/George Mason University.
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