Our second assignment is an individual assignment where we have to come up with a prototype of us becoming one of the people we share soularium with on Monday. Part of this assignment is to focus on what would it be like if that person we talked to express their story through our artistic abilities. I believe I will do a piece on the first person we talked, his name is Zack. His spiritual journey I shared before on a previous blog but he experience spirituality through Nature. Not sure what it might look like but something along the line of ...
Today we were assigned our first collaboration exercise and I was paired up with Lauren K, and Emily. The assignment for this week is to answer this question: "What is beauty?" "How can unbearable beauty surface?" Emily and Lauren are photography students so we incorporate the idea of people's different facial expression as beautiful. I imagine not a lot of people will be open to give their handwritten response and have their photograph taken. Surprisingly there were a lot of folks at Union Square who were interested and love to feed their opinion on beauty. So far we gathered about 9 portraits but aiming to get as many as we can. Hopefully I can update you on what the prototype will look like.

Today we went to Chelsea and assigned to different groups to go to different galleries. My group Caleb, Whitney, and Kristine went to the P.P.O.W. Gallery on 311 W 25th Street on 10th Avenue. Inside the artist being show was Ben Gocker who is a poet and librarian. Not a visual artist but his exhibit was called, "There is Really No single Poem." It is titled this because he transform the space into a conceptual idea of visual poetry using installation, his journal entries into reproduction, color wheels and clay beaded sculptures. Part of the reason we venture to the galleries today was to better ask questions about how the artist view humanity, himself in relation to the world, and his ideas of God. Gocker had a lot of archive of things he find precious over the years including names of friends. I imagine if he did not mention much of God in these small things he find precious than Gocker is not a very spiritual person. He see the world through the lens of relationships and others quoting John Lennon and other philosophers. I imagine him being very intellectual and solid in knowledge about things other than knowledge of God.
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