Happy Father's Day
Unreserved Father's Love
Pastor Jim was the guest speaker at Brooklyn Community Chinese Christian Church in Neck Road, Brooklyn service I went today with Sulisa and Mei Ling. Sulisa and Mei Ling both went to church there and grew up there. I was fortunate to go on a special Father's Day service which the english and chinese service combined. The church is a chinese church but has a diverse age range of members with youth kids thanking their earthly fathers with handmade t-shirts. Pastor Jim a Caucasian American male who uprooted his family all the way to China to do God's will told his unique story of God's calling in his life. He wanted a connection with the fathers in the congregation of the role of a father in a family. He made good reference to a father to provides for his family's physical as well as spiritual needs.
The connection Pastor Jim made with our earthly family with our heavenly Father's family of Him, Holy Spirit and the Son. Jim spoke on John 20:21
Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.
Jesus said recorded by John about having two things with Him when the Father's sent Him to earth to died in our place 1) peace and 2) joy. He wanted his family to have the same purpose and passion as Jesus to have a heart for the 'lost' and experience God's joy. He understood the role of the father is to train his family to make disciples. He realize the promises we have in the Father's love and does nothing outside of what the Father does. How is your relationship with your father? My relationship with mine haven't been so great but I can start to peel back the blindfolds in my eyes of own father's love for me, even when I am ungrateful of it. If you haven't already wish your earthly father Happy Father's Day, its never late to do so. I called mine.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in other that the word might be saved through him.
John 5:19
So Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.
Tim Keller message on Luke 14:17-24
1. Jesus Christ lay an outstanding example of sacrificial giving from us.
2. How Jesus rationalize it.
Who is the host in the parable?
Jesus was invited to a prominent home of Greeco-Roman world where they run the patron system of finding favor and returning favor. Social economic times a person status is determine by their network of patrons, so Jesus was not just at any party but an expensive one. Jesus made a bold statement to the host going against the Greeco-Roman culture and state an idiosyncratic expression made inside a culture but not translate well into another culture. Jesus is not saying, "Forget your friends and only invite the poor." He is straighten the host's priorities of what is greater when it comes to giving. Which is greater giving to ministry or our comforts? This passage talks a lot about stewardship of money. Matthew 25 of the parable of the Talents.
Story of the Day
Jayson told us a story of how he bought back 40 pounds of Dunkin Donuts back to his apartment. So this happened Friday, June 18, 2010 after the mentor's dinner. The guys walked to Dunkin Donuts off 31st Street to get something to eat and the cashier gave them two extra donuts. Jayson thought that was funny so he asked him if he can have more free donuts. The guy said he could get fired for doing so, Jayson the smart kid he is said 'why not meet me outside with a bag full of donuts'. The guy said, 'in a trash bag.' Later the guy gave Jayson all the leftover donuts of the day in a trash bag which weight the bag so much it almost ripped. Jayson and the other projects guys went around the city and subway trying to get rid of the donuts saying "Free donuts." No one wanted them and rejected the free donuts because it was being hurled around in a black shady trash bag, even the homeless runaway girl whom Jayson asked hesitated to accept a donut. Long story short Jayson and his roommates won't run out of breakfast food for a long while.
"Is that a cat in the window? Yes, it is." Tiffany
"Don't ever pick up your glass at the same time..." [Laughs hysterically] Piper
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