Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010 Morning Running Blog

Today I went running early in the morning my 6 am wake-up call. I don't think I was able to sleep well or I may have too much of a sugar rush having Shake Shack black and white milk shake last night after 11 pm. So I had this desiring urge to go out running with my camera and Ipod while I run. For me running has always been a time when I can be at peace with myself whatever the circumstance and have my own personal time of reflection. I feel I think my best when I am running without any distraction but myself talking to myself in my head. Maybe you can relate? In High School I ran long-distance cross-country and running was a pure sense of escape for me. My worries in life disappears when I run because I focus on my pace and tempo and my breathing.
Today as I got on the D train uptown to 7 avenue and 50th street I ran till I saw Central Park and encircle the whole lake. I don't know how far I ran but I ran around the lake which must've gone up to 83th Street and back to the subway stop I got on 59th Street. I did stop to think about how well life and our walk with God is like a race. Everyone today were runners no one in their right mind would wake up as early as I did, if they were not going to go running. Cyclist alike you can see all ages running, young, teens, and old. I was encouraged to see a 70's years old guy persistently running. I felt so alive running for a good 5o minutes getting my feet warm-up for today adventures and exploration of the city. I believe running can teach you a lot such as discipline to keep your pace and not stagger from slowing down or at least find a running partner to keep you accountable. Our lives are just like that, without a running partner we become stale and static. We don't grow to become better runners or better people. Our spiritual lives is as much like running as anything else.
Ever notice how those who are followers of Christ like to stay in packs? My cross-country coach once quoted:
"You can't smoke a good runner if he/she is in a pack."
Fellowship and community is essential to a Christian lifestyle as anything else. I think that was best said last night when Ross spoke to the men to keep each other accountable in groups about striving for our holiness and morale integrity. Sometimes there be hills in our lives such as the hills in Central Park which I strive to push myself over the hump, what kept me going is my thoughts about God's promises. Promises that He won't give up on us no matter how hard we hit rock bottom in our lives. So far just this morning while going running I saw 5 homeless people (3 sleeping at 7th Avenue and 50th Street metro stop and 1 pushing a shopping cart across 70th Street and another on a bench in Central Park near Central Way. As much as I experienced God's glory through his beautiful scenic route I took of the lake, I saw as much brokeness in this fallen world with those in greater need than I am. In life we need God in all compartments of our lives singleness, profession, family, friends, even running to keep us motivated And we need each other just like Ross had said last night and just as Jesus taught us to do so.
Loving Others
Luke 5:24-35

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