Stefan Guggisberg
David O'Kane
Paintings shown at the exhibition:

Oil on canvas
210 x 300 cm

Cloud Chamber
Oil on canvas
200 x 150 cm

Oil on canvas
Animation: Edition of 3 + Artist's proof. 3 Available
Sebastian Burger
Carolin Knoth
Robert Seidel
Kristina Schuldt
Mandy Kunze
Can't believe what an amazing job Anna-Louise-Rose had done putting together this program with her equally wonderful assistant Kristina Semvora for us.
Here is our program for LIA Leipzig International Art Programme:
1st Neo Rauch's graphic works at Grafikstiftung, Vernissage at 4pm in Aschersleben.Departure from Leipzig to Aschrsleben 7pm-9pm; 10pm-12pm After Party
10pm concert at Kanal 30 (Jim Whiting)
5th Spinnerei Tour, Plagwitz and City Tour Leipzig LIA at 11am
5th Welcome Evening at 7pm Dinner together, everyone can cook their favorite or traditional dish to share/Good Bye Brooke Dinner
7th Barbecue with United Residencies (4 residencies at Spinnerei total: One-Side Story, Bloodworst, LIA, etc) and all international arists in Leipzig in the Spinnerei 7pm. Residents from all over Europe-Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Australia, France, New York City, London, Canada.
8th Exhibition Opening Kunsthalle der Parkasse; 7pm Master Class of Neo Rauch/Hall 14 Spinnerei, Exhibition Opening Win Win, at 7pm
9th Documenta 13: Train at 8:30am from main station and at 12am we are in Kassel, where Anna-Louise will give us a tour through the Documenta. Departure back to Leipzig next morning. Cultural event of world standing since it establishment in 1955. It is dedicated to artistic research and forms of imagination that explore commitment, matter, things, embodiment, and active living in connection with.
dOCUMENTA is driven by a holistic and non-logocentric vision that is skeptical of the presisting belief in economic growth. There are four conditions that put into play of dOCUMENTA:
- On stage. I am playing a role, I am a subject in the act of by other re-performing.
- Under seige. I am encircled by the other, besieged by others.
- In a state of hope, or optimism. I dream, I am the dreaming subject of anticipation.
- On retreat. I am withdrawn, I choose to leave the others, I sleep.
These 4 conditions take place in four locations which dOCUMENTA is physically and concepturally sited- Kassel, Kabul, Alexandria/Cairo and Banff. Thee places are phenomenal spatialities that embody the four conditions.
13th Museum of Visual Art: Graphic works of Max Klinger/tour in English and New Leipziger School, 11am from LIA
15th Movie Evening with Steven Black 9pm
19th Judy Lubke, Gallery "Eigen und Art", visits LIA studios at 7pm!
22nd Photography Festival F/Stop at the Spinnerei, the opportunity for Open Studioes
27th Neo Rauch visits LIA Studios!!!
More: 7th Berlin Biennale 27 April- 1 July 2012 curated by Artur Zmijewski (Poland artist work in the media of photography and film and interested in the power of art and its relation to politics. He comes from an anthropological viewpoint investigate social norms, morality and representations of power in today's society and the effects that art have on it.) with Joanna Warsza and Voina art collective.
Interesting fact: Berlin based media activist and writer Pit chultz the Bennale has developed Art Wiki, a digital art library based on the model of Wikipedia.
1st Arrival of new artists
2nd Welcome Dinner at 7pm
2nd week: David Schnell visits LIA Studios!!!
Studio visit Christiane Baumgarten (1967, Leipzig)
Visit of Etching Studio of Spinnerei
27th Vernissage, Jazz Concert, Good Bye Dinner
More: visit of artist residency ACC in Weimar
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